Interactive Excel Learning

Thanks for participating in my Online Excel Tutorials survey last week. There were 21 votes, and I wasn’t surprised that 57% or the votes were in favour of written instructions. Written tutorials with screen shots are my favourite way to learn online.

Only 2 people voted for short videos, but in the comments, Mathias said that videos were slowly growing on him, and I agreed. They can be a helpful supplement to written material, allowing you to see some or all of the steps performed. Maybe bookmarks or captions of some kind would help, so you could skim through the video, and get to the specific section you need.

What did surprise me was the 33% vote for interactive lessons. My experience with those is limited, so if you like interactive lessons, could you let me know where you find them?

I tried a virtual lab on the weekend, to test PowerPivot, so perhaps that’s the kind of thing that people find useful. The hands on lab let me test the PowerPivot without installing tons of stuff on my machine, and had written instructions at the side, to guide me through the steps.


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